
Christina Gawlik, Math Writer

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Christina Gawlik, Math Writer: Episode 22

Christina Gawlik started as a high school math teacher, not a career you can really take with you on the road. Over the years she earned degrees and developed skills that would (and did) easily translate to becoming a consultant and content developer. Now she creates support materials for textbooks and other kinds of mathematics consulting. You can find Christina on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.



Getting Your Tools Just Right

We’ve all got specific tools and tech that we use, then it’s a matter of getting it to work just the way we need. After getting her audio equipment for voiceovers set up, Christina needed to find a way to reduce the room’s natural echo. Turns out the best place in most homes is the bedroom closet because of all the sound softening fabrics in there. If there’s not a cloth filled closet, like in an AirBnB, then she piles pillows on the bed and works from there. You don’t always need a professional set up, you just need it to act like one.


(A)nytime I get a new client, I do see it as a 2-way interview. They're interviewing me to see if I have the skills and the qualifications to get their projects done. But I'm interviewing them to make sure I want to work with them.… Share on X


Christina dropping off books as part of a Rotary project renovating a school in Mexico

Maintaining Client Relationships

Keep up with your clients. Happy clients come back and they send others to you, but it helps if you keep yourself on their minds. Periodically checking in keeps you top of mind and helps them remember you as a resource for themselves and their friends and coworkers. If reaching out does not come naturally to you, I really recommend Keith Ferrazzi’s Never Eat Alone. He is a natural connector, but he offers so many ideas that you really only need to make a few your own.


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Keeping a Freelancer’s Safety Net

I’ve recently started asking guests what they do to keep something of a steady income. Being self-employed has certain inherent vulnerabilities and I liked what Christina said here. She has one client that she has had from the beginning and he’s on a lower price scale than her other clients, because he has continual hourly work. At the same time, he knows he gets that rate in part because Christina will prioritize her larger clients first. She gets steady income and he gets a reduced rate, everyone’s needs are met and everyone is happy.


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1 Comment

  1. Melody Spencer, Marketing Mentor • Compass Podcast

    July 2, 2019 at 9:01 am

    […] find out it’s a race to the bottom on price. While this may not be true if you are in a professional niche that’s not overcrowded, it pays to do everything you can to start getting referrals and make sure to have your own site up […]

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