Sarah Cordiner, Online Course Creator
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Sarah Cordiner, Online Course Creator: Episode 33
Sarah Cordiner started off knowing that she just wanted out, out of school and to see the world. What she found was a path back into education, though much different from the schooling she went through. You can find Sarah on sarahcordiner.com and if you’re looking to begin your own courses she has two free places to start: Course Plan Challenge and Course Plan in 60 Minutes. You can also find her in her Facebook group Entrepreneur to EDUpreneur.
Volunteering to Find Your Path
While on her around the world trip after high school, Sarah repeatedly found herself volunteering in schools and orphanages. While she wasn’t sure exactly she was after, she wanted to share education with others and signed up for a teachers course when she returned to the UK. Each choice brought her closer to finding her way as an educator. Not every path comes easily. Keeping your eyes open to opportunities can make all the difference.
You can only be a fantastic educator if you're a great learner. You can only be a fantastic entrepreneur and business owner if you are constantly learning new things. ~Sarah Cordiner Share on X

Sarah, enjoying a swim
Old School Tactics
When first starting her company, Sarah took out the phone book and made a list of all the places that might need what she could offer. Then she wrote a letter to each of them, sending it in a hand-addressed envelope. This is a tactic she still uses today, as the novelty of receiving mail that’s not a bill intrigues people enough to open the envelope. Your business may not lend itself to using mail, but what else can you do to pique your potential client’s interest?
Interested in finding your own perfect Location Independent Career?
Sarah took a hard knock a few years back. For many that would have been it, millions of dollars gone in a matter of hours. And how she handled this challenge is the difference between those of us that make it and those that don’t. Sarah had a bit of a wallow and then set to getting back on track. It wasn’t easy, and parts of it took until relatively recently, but she made it. That resilience, that determination to take responsibility for what happened and move forward is how we learn and grow as business owners.
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