Margaret Tra, Music Publicist
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Margaret Tra, Music Publicist: Episode 12
Margaret Tra is an Australian music publicist currently traveling in Europe. She felt a bit lost at first, looking for a fulfilling career and seeing her parents expectations for her following a different path. Ultimately, her degree in PR and love of music found her doing publicity for musician friends and word of mouth brought her more clients. Today you can find Margaret at stimulateyoursoul.com and on Facebook.
Building Contacts
When Margaret first set up her music blog, she began reaching out to editors she found when reading music publications. Later, she built up a reputation sending music that met the editors’ needs. Also, go to events and meet people in the industry. Musicians and promoters need to know who you are. Let people know what you’re doing, and this goes for any industry. Figure out that ten second intro that you can use all the time, and then use it. “Hi, I’m Kathryn, I interview location independent womxn about their work and how they got there.”
in the beginning, it was more of just building that brand and letting them know that I was quite trustworthy... a lot of publicists who do promise a lot of things to their artists ~Margaret Tra Share on X

Margaret on her travels
Putting Too Much Pressure on Yourself
It’s easy to take the goals you make when you’re just starting and become hard on yourself when you don’t reach them immediately. And setting goals is great, but we need to remember that just because we set the goal, doesn’t mean that it can’t shift or change. It also doesn’t mean that we’re failing when our goals do shift and change, it means we’re learning and changing, ourselves. And while it’s easy to tick off the things we accomplish and move on to the next ones, remember to celebrate the little accomplishments too. Progress is progress.
Interested in finding your own perfect Location Independent Career?
Australian Business Support
This was news to me; when Margaret first started her business a friend recommended looking into NEIS, New Enterprise Incentive Scheme. She focussed her attention on building her business and in exchange received a stipend. If you’re Australian, this is definitely worth a look, to see if they can support you in building your business as well.
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