
Ikiah McGowan, Community Fundraising Manager

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Ikiah McGowan, Community Fundraising Manager: Episode 8

Ikiah McGowan is a community fundraising manager who uses her marketing and relationship building skills to bring in funds for social good. She found a managerial role that she was able to do from home, giving her the flexibility of being remote with the benefits of a traditional workplace. You can soon find Ikiah at her site ikiah.com.



Becoming a Philanthropist Beyond Writing a Check

Giving back can start with a check or it can be more creative and that’s where Ikiah comes in. We’re not always in a position to give money but we can support organizations we feel strongly about. Ikiah helps people brainstorm ways to raise money for and educate each other about her nonprofit. It’s sometimes like having a party for good, like hosting a karaoke night to raise funds or a documentary screening to spread the word. Getting involved in philanthropy isn’t just about black tie seated dinners.

Ikiah McGowan, Community Fundraising Manager Share on X


Ikiah’s work area


Reading the Workplace when You’re Working Off Site

When you’re joining a company and working off-site, it can be difficult to get a read on the specifics of the company culture. If you can, Ikiah recommends going in for a little bit just to get a feel for how things work and also to learn who you can rely on to answer your questions and occasionally interpret situations.


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Knowing Your Worth in Negotiation

Once it comes time to negotiate, you have to know what you want and what you’re worth. As Ikiah says, “this is your livelihood and, and you bring a lot to the table. So you have to stand up in that.” Negotiations can be difficult for many of us, and being grounded in our strengths and value gives us a solid foundation for asking for (and getting) what we need. And that doesn’t mean the bare minimum we need to get by, but what we need to know we’re getting a fair trade for our contributions to the company.

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Every Action


Remote Nonprofit

Remote Like Me

Remote Travel Jobs


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1 Comment

  1. Cepee Tabibian, Community Founder • Compass Podcast

    December 3, 2019 at 9:01 am

    […] and either have to walk away or take a rate lower than our work is worth. This is similar to what Ikiah talked about in her thoughts on negotiating a salary, aim high so you can land where you […]

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