Hope Allison, Fitness Coach
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Hope Allison, Fitness Coach: Episode 35
Hope Allison started out her health career in meal planning and only after deciding to focus on creating meal plans for personal trainers did she decide to become one herself. After realizing how much she enjoyed fitness she became certified and added coaching into the mix. Now you can find her on Facebook and at nutritiontoyouchefhope.com.
Secondary Stream to Main Income
Keep your eyes and your options open. Hope decided to take on meal planning for personal trainers and in preparing, became a trainer herself. Seeing how much she enjoyed fitness and training she decided to add it to her main body of work. Sometimes the best ideas present themselves rather than you sitting down and coming up with them.
I didn't realize that I was going to love personal training, but it transformed my life and that was when I decided to pursue it and continue with exercise science. ~Hope Allison Share on X

Hope, enjoying her time in Bali
Taking Your Offline Clients with You
When you’re transitioning from a specific location to remote, you may be able to transition your clients as well. This isn’t the first time we’ve heard of clients wanting to stay after a guest goes remote. Make sure they know they’ll still get the same level of service, no matter where they are. And if your packages change, it may be worth offering a “thank you” discount for staying, especially if you are in a more conservative field.
Interested in finding your own perfect Location Independent Career?
Get Out There
It’s tempting to hide behind building and later, having a pretty website. A website, on its own, won’t bring you business. You have to let people know what you do, and who you are. For most of us, this means social media needs to be at least part of our strategy. Pick one platform that you’re most comfortable with and post regularly. Post about what you do, but also post about what you enjoy. You may bond with a potential client over a shared love of jasmine green tea, as much as your gorgeous hand lettering skills.
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