
Alyssa Cairns, Home Design and Decor Consultant

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Alyssa Cairns, Home Design and Decor Consultant: Episode 2

Alyssa Cairns is a home design and decor consultant who works online and lives in Grand Rapids with her husband and two children. She started after deciding that she had to find a way to stay at home with her newborn rather than juggle commuting and childcare. You can find her at alyssaturnercairns.com as well as on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. You can use the code “freshstart” for 50% off her membership program, The Academy for DIY Home Design.




First Impressions

Look back to what you wanted to be as a child. Alyssa did her first big school project on interior design, and life looped back for her as an adult. When we’re at our most creative, as children, we often know more about who we are and what we want than as adults. So, think back… what did you want to be?

I'm so glad that I started when I did... just start learning that new skill. Just start building that web page... Share on X


brunette woman, writing in a journal and drinking coffee

Alyssa working outside

Just Start

You’re never going to feel ready, so why not just find a starting place and get going. Alyssa learned how to build a website while nursing her newborn son. Steal time if you need to and start as small as you have to, but start. The next year will come no matter what you do, so why not do what you can to propel your business forward.


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Gain Experience

When you’re starting from scratch, you need samples, a portfolio, proof of some sort. You can do a few jobs for free to build your portfolio or Alyssa says, if she had it to do again, she’d host a party to show people her home as it’s own sample. A way of saying, if you like what I’ve done here, then see what I can do for you.



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1 Comment

  1. How Close are You to Being Location Independent? • Compass Podcast

    February 4, 2019 at 9:22 am

    […] like your website hosting, your credit card payments, and as well as donations, investing and taxes. The other will list things like rent, groceries, utilities, going out, and […]

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