Lili Tanis, On-Camera Coach
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Lili Tanis, On-Camera Coach: Episode 51
Lili Tanis works with clients to build their video presence, both in the way they present themselves as well as their available content. You can find Lili on her site, and on Facebook and Instagram. She also has a Videos that Convert challenge that shows you how to create just that.
Being Social while Working from Home
This is one that many of us go through, especially if we’re extraverts. You go from having an office full of colleagues to bounce ideas around with and share downtime chatting to being all on your own. Pretty quickly it becomes obvious that something is missing. There are meetups and coworking, and some days when it’s less the need for interaction and more about just having the bustle of people around there are coffee shops. Finding the right mix is very personal and it will probably take time to get the right set up for you.
The beginning it was super difficult for me to decide what to charge because I was the only person doing this in France ~Lili Tanis Share on X

Lili, recording
Rest and Relaxation
Working without an office makes it easy for work to leak into our personal lives, even more so when we’re alone in a new place and enjoy what we do. Making time for hobbies and personal time becomes even more important now. What do you love to do? What makes you feel better? How can you structure your week to support you, and not just your business?
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Pricing for Your Market
We’ve talked about this a bit with Dr. Sonia Jaeger, pricing is very region-specific. When Lili is in the US market, she’s able to look at the competitive field and see where her pricing falls. In France, it’s not so simple. There is a lower cost of living and what she does is new. This means she’s the one creating the frame of reference and at the same time needs to take into account the local levels of disposable income. It takes a bit of trial and error, but one thing remains true, womxn tend to underprice ourselves. Unless you know you are at the top of your market, take your price and add 20%.
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