Ashley Wiles – A Day in My Life
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Ashley Wiles: Canggu, Bali
Ashley Wiles, an author, speaker, coach, and mentor gives us a peek into her day:
6:00 am I wake up and meditate for 30 minutes in my room. I usually have a water bottle beside my bed as I’m always thirsty!
630 am Walk to my workspace 2mins and open up my several social media feeds. I like the social aspect of it, and spend time commenting and responding.
7:00 am Calls with Clients, Mentees, Coaches, Interviews – can be a lot of varied things.
(If I don’t have any pre-scheduled calls I’ll go for a 5km/30min Run either along the beach or in the town, there’s not too much traffic before 830 and not too hot. )
9:00 am Breakfast is eggs, toast, and veggies – I always eat out, so depending on how my morning looks I might end my run at a new breakfast place. Otherwise, I’ll have breakfast across from my workspace. Then, I look at the gym schedule and events for the day, plan my schedule around those things.
10:00 am Work Time. These are nighttime west coast Canada hours so I can get a lot done in this time. I have 25 tabs open (actually) and I’m doing it all and setting up my social.
1:00 pm Time to get up and move. Gym or Studio or Swimming or Run (too hot usually) I’m flexible but need to move! My goal is to be more active this year. At least 10k steps a day.
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2:00 pm Food!!! I have my favourite restaurants with the best wifi. I eat and scroll, work, chat.
2:30 pm It’s either coffee or nap time for me, depends on how much I have to get done and how motivated I’m feeling.
3:00 pm I typically get a lot done after the west coast is gone to bed. I do some recording, writing, stuff that I need a lot of focus for.
5:30 pm I like to meet new people, network, play games, so I’ll usually attend events in the evening. Tonight is Toastmasters Table Topics.
9:30 pm I’m done for the day, doing some last minute posting and scrolling as East Coast North America wakes up.
10:30 pm Lights Out
So, tell us, what’s your day like?
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