Vicky Taylor – A Day in My Life
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Vicky Taylor: Comillas, Spain
Vicky Taylor, a translator and content creator gives us a peek into her day:
8:00 My activity bracelet starts vibrating after elbowing my boyfriend Ryan 3 times for snoring during the morning hours. I hug my hot water bottle and wonder how it could possibly be 8 AM already. Ryan starts the camper van to heat it up while I start booting up my laptop.
8:30 I missed breakfast because I stayed in bed a little too long. I settle for a cup of freshly squeezed orange juice (We don’t have any glasses) while I go through what seems to be an endless stream of emails.
9:00 I still haven’t moved from my ball position by the window in our small 5 meter van. Work has piled up overnight. How everyone decided to send extra work assignments and emails tonight, I don’t know. At least it’s light outside now. We’re parked with an amazing landscape view.
10:00 One of my feet have gone numb from my lotus-ball position, wrapped in a robe. I’ve finally started to check off tasks on my Asana list. It reads 39 tasks today. That can’t be right? It is.
11:00 Another hour of administration work and I start to shake out my numb foot. The movement makes me realise I haven’t been to the toilet yet. Quick toilet break. My activity bracelet vibrates of happiness when I take today’s first 5 steps.
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12:00 Finally time for lunch. Food is one of my hobbies. Eating it, that is. Wonderful Ryan somehow managed to cook up a storm. We eat on the only two plates we have, while I enjoy some time away from the screen. As I wash up the dishes in cold water, that I’m shocked isn’t ice, I bounce back and forth a little to try to cheat my activity bracelet.
13:00 Break time is over. After lunch is reserved for bigger projects. I squeeze out a full chapter to the book I’m ghostwriting. Obviously, the deadline is mocking me as I know I’m behind on exactly everything again.
15:00 It’s Friday, so I finish work an hour early. Or two. But who’s counting? The next hour or so is private time. It’s spent on my private projects and ideas, as well as studies to make sure I’m hitting my goals and targets for what I want to do. And I may have put aside a few minutes to plan our Saturday hike.
16:00 Between the choices of Japanese studies (for the N3 language test next year), finishing my life coaching course and working on other stuff. Other stuff won. I spent an hour working on a brand new, made-up project.
17:00 My boyfriend has now decided that it’s time to take me for a walk since he’s questioning whether I’ve stood up today or not. Today, we’re at a beach in Comillas in the north of Spain. The sun’s going to set in an hour. We walk along the water throwing starfish back into the ocean.
18:00 My stomach suddenly remembers that I haven’t eaten breakfast today and decides that dinner should be double the size. Ryan, van cook rustles up an incredible steak and homemade chips. At this point, most of the windows are open to let the steam out.
19:00 It’s getting chilly now, so we layer up and get under the covers. One person at each end. Then we proceed with our 103rd round of Yatzy since we bought the game just over 4 months ago.
20:00 I’ve lost two games in a row now. Score is 55-50. I hate this game. We’ll play again tomorrow anyway, but for the rest of the night we’re going to watch a movie, eat some snacks, and stay warm. Winter is chilly, but we’re looking forward to the spring and wherever we will be then.
22:00 Even though we were going to start the movie at 8 pm, it still took us 40 minutes to get started. So we’re still watching the end.
00:00 My brain decided to go through every possible thought, idea, and scenario throughout my past and future life before I finally managed to fall asleep at midnight. My activity bracelet is a little traitor and claims I’ve been asleep since 20:40.
So, tell us, what’s your day like?
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