Julia Taylor, Web Developer
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Julia Taylor, Web Developer: Episode 21
Julia Taylor started out in the US intelligence community and found herself moving to the UK for love. With her husband’s military career they would up and move every couple of years, so Julia knew she needed to take control of her path. She also knew she needed to develop a skill, but wasn’t sure what to pursue. After her boss dropped an assignment to make changes to the company website, Julia searched how to do what needed to be done and was enamored with the seeming magic of having made it work. Now you can find Julia at geekpack.co, where she’ll show you how to build a two-page static site in five days.
Breaking Coder Stereotypes
We’ve all seen the movies with the sloppy mid-twenties guy coding in his mother’s basement and living off of Cheetos and Mountain Dew. With initiatives to bring coding into schools and womxn like Julia teaching other womxn how to code, that stereotype is shifting. Womxn of all ages are learning to code and they’re slowly changing the environment with them.

Julia working by the lake, with her dog
I came across this line of code... And, and I copied it and I pasted it... and it worked. And from then on out, I was completely hooked. ~Julia Taylor Share on X
The Benefits of Starting with a Nonprofit Client
Julia often recommends taking on a nonprofit client as your first one. It’s often donated or discounted work, which can make you a bit more comfortable in taking the time to make sure you’ve got everything right. You want to do a great job and having a high-pressure client right out of the gate can be unnerving. Having a low-pressure client that values your work can be just what a new business owner needs. This is also a great way to get started with reviews and testimonials. Just make sure the client knows that you’re expecting an honest review at the end.
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Investing in Yourself to Progress Faster
Going with free trainings is definitely possible, but it usually takes longer. Julia took about a year doing it all on her own. Looking back, she believes that she could have cut that down to a couple of months had she invested in a paid program. It’s not just your main skill that you can learn faster either. Most of us could use help with learning how to market, keep our books, write copy… Having a business has a lot of moving parts and learning how to get good at them takes time, especially when you’re looking to Pinterest for advice.
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