
Compass Podcast

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Phon Baillie, Proofreader

Phon Baillie, Proofreader: Episode 55 Phon Baillie enjoyed proofreading before she knew it was a job. After graduating university and later publishing school, Phon then went out on her own to become a freelance proofreader. You can find Phon on her site artofproofreading.com, where you can sign up for a free five day course or join her free masterclass.       Networking to Build a Client Base Building your network builds your ...

Amy Scott, Editor

Amy Scott, Editor: Episode 6 Amy Scott is a freelance editor at nomadeditorial.com, where she works with authors in all stages of the writing process. She quit her job at a publishing company and took off on an around the world trip in 2004, which led her to hang out her own shingle the next year. Amy also runs nomadtopia.com where she has a membership community and her own podcast, Nomadtopia.       Coming Full Circle Amy ...